Thursday, May 17, 2007


Ahead of the release of Doctor Who: Season Three Volume One, writer Gareth Roberts chats to the BBCi Doctor Who site about his early third season episode "The Shakespeare Code". The co-creator of "The Sarah Jane Adventures" also takes the chance to talk about projects past... and future!

"Your Sarah Jane Smith special was very well received. Will you be writing more adventures for her?

Yes - I've written two of the five stories in the TV series coming up later this year, and it's been a joy. The second one in particular I'm very pleased with - I think it's the best thing I've ever done."

On the topic of Doctor Who's weeklong delay due to the Eurovision Song Contest, Mister Roberts also discusses his Big Finish audio play "Bang Bang A Boom!" which is set during a futuristic edition of the cheesy pop competition:

"I don't like Eurovision any longer - everyone feels like they're in on the joke, and it seems to last longer than a world war. Plus I've seen 42 and it's absolutely unbelievably amazing, so I want everyone else to see it as soon as possible!"

You can read the full interview with Gareth here.

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