Thursday, October 22, 2009

Seeing Red

Some interesting reviews of The Mad Woman in the Attic have been posted online courtesy of Den of Geek! They've received preview discs of the episodes in question, and speak quite favourably of them...


Of tonight's opening installment, reviewer Cameron K. McEwan has this to say:

The tale really grabs you into the mystery and the average Who fan will be more than familiar with the vernacular Joe Lidster chooses in which to tell the story, quickly jumping between two time zones. Lidster, who has written audios for Doctor Who and televisual adventures for The Sarah Jane Adventures (the superb Mark Of The Berserker) and Torchwood, captures the mood perfectly in this very dark episode.

This psychologically taut tale is matched by a rather eerie and beautiful score from series composer Sam Watts, work of a true craftsman. Even better is the way in which it's used, sparsely and with a seductive subtlety.

To read the rest of the review click here. Here's his take on part two, also.


Don't forget, if you haven't done so already you can still pick up the 24/10/09-30/10/09 edition of the Radio Times, which has a feature dedicated to next week's The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith. Of course, it was *supposed* to have the front page too, before an editorial decision was made to scrap those plans.

The reason? It was decided, with The Waters of Mars literally around the corner (I wouldn't make any plans for Saturday November 14th...) that it was too much running two Doctor Who themed covers in the space of just 4 weeks...

Was that the right decision to make?

You can view a very lovely hi-res image taken from the magazine here.

Remember!! The Mad Woman in the Attic -Part One debuts this afternoon on both BBC One and BBC HD, simultaneously, from 4:35pm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you doing a live Week Two?