Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Cult of Cult - Part Deux

A few months ago we posted a BBC Norfolk interview here on the site. The team behind that interv iew promised a second, concluding part focusing on the Sarah Jane Adventures; but only much closer to transmission. 10 days away from "Invasion of the Bane" and we finally get it.

Here is Elisabeth Sladen discussing the Colin Teague directed special:

MB: Does SJA pick up where School Reunion left off?

ES: There is a gap of time which is a very relevant gap of one-and-a-half years where this could have happened and she could have got her act together. She still has K-9, he's still daring and doing.

MB: K-9 is just in this hour special isn't he?

ES: To my knowledge, yes. He actually has a very important job to do that Sarah knows about. She misses him desperately, and doesn't know when he might return, but he is safe.

MB: I know you're delighted with the look and feel of SJA. Why are you so please with it?

ES: I opened the script and I didn't know what to expect.

I would get to a scene and it is just the most lovely moment when you read something, when you're familiar with a character and a format you think you're going to have, and you find something you never thought of.

It happened about three times!

I think I've been so lucky in the director Colin Teague, he has filmed it like a film.

And there is an explosion!

They haven't had as bigger one on Doctor Who or Torchwood. We've have the biggest explosion, I'm really proud of that.

I don't know why? It's a very silly thing to be proud off. It's a great, massive explosion. [she laughs]

MB: What causes it?

ES: I can't say. [she laughs] Actually I don't know if I should have said that at all!

MB: What's it like to have Sarah Jane's character as part of your life for so many years?

ES: I feel very protective of her. I supposed I look at a script for Sarah Jane in a totally different way to how I'd look at any other script.

I'm on two levels with her. I'm reading it and wanting to do what it says there, but I'm also judging it.

MB: CBBC viewers have taken a real shine to Sarah Jane - it must be great having this army of new young fans.

ES: It's so lovely. I went down to film Totally Doctor Who last year and I was in the canteen and there was this rush of little heads towards me.

It was so lovely. I thought how brilliant is that. And then the dads would introduce themselves. [she laughs]

One of the dads said 'You wrote to me when I was eight, this is my son!' - how amazing. I don't know of any other programme which is like that.

You can link to the interview page at BBC Norfolk here - where you can access the actual video interview all for yourself.

Go on... it's Christmas time. Treat yourself to a little Sarah Jane magic!

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