There's confirmation that the Slitheen alien menace (first seen in Christopher Eccleston's "Aliens of London") feature in episodes one and two, which form the two part - untitled - Adventure One. Says SJA producer Matthew Brouch: "We did that because we wanted to bring an audience from Doctor Who. They're great monsters - they've always appealed to children."
So, any crossovers planned? "There's no mention of Torchwood in Sarah Jane," Bouch confirms. "[But] yeah, there are references to the Brig and to UNIT. There are two or three key things that I think the fanboys will be happy with..." Oooh, as long as it's not the 'long awaited' return of K9 And Company's Brendan, then I'm all ears!
The interview goes on to talk about the expectations of children's television, especially the idea of sexuality in modern teens' lives. Bouch talks about the traditional story telling of the series, and how well the double 30 minute cliffhanger format works. All in all it's an interesting read which you can pick up from stores this coming Wednesday priced £3.99.
Oh, and did I mention it's got plenty of new photos? I've reprinted just one of them above; but to see the rest you'll just have to buy the magazine for yourself!
Ooh, what a great picture!
They look so much older already... and the new kid looks a lot younger in school uniform, thank goodness, I was worried it'd end up looking really weird because in that one publicity shot he looked like twenty...
And yay for UNIT references! I'm sure the fangirls will be happy too...
yeah man, whats all that crap about fanboys!!!
and its brendan, not brandon! god some ppl are dumb.
gah, something happened and I don't think my comment posted-apologies if this is doubled:
Fanboys...where? ;) j/k.
Yah, I bet fangirls would be happy too. ...I know I'd be happy if a retired Brig decided to pay Sarah Jane a visit...but references are good too. :-D
btw, Brendan was Lavinia Smith's ward, not Sarah's.
Yay, Sarah Jane!!
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