Monday, March 03, 2008

Look what just went live...
(slightly different from what was previously reported)

This just happened late this morning-I had been checking the site everyday to see when it would go live, and when I checked this morning, it still had the press release. Now it has the cast picture for Invasion of the Bane, a description of the show and a link to the forums. Not much, but it's a start!!!

There is also a start date!! April 11th! The main page has it starting at 8pm EST (or rather, by then it will be EDT-LOL). However, a glance at SciFi's schedulebot has it starting at 7:30pm.

Although there are no episode titles listed yet, here is the April schedule according to SciFi, with my predictions following:

April 11th, 7:30pm: There is an hour and a half scheduled here-I would hope that it would mean they are going to show all of Invasion of the Bane instead of shortening it by 15 minutes, as previously rumored. The Doctor Who Christmas specials are an hour long, and they usually get a hour and a half block on SciFi.

April 11th, 11:00pm: Most likely a repeat of the episode shown earlier.

April 18th, 8:00pm: Half hour block scheduled-my guess, Revenge of the Slitheen, part 1.
There is no repeat scheduled for this episode the same evening. It looks like the 2007 Doctor Who Christmas special (the start of season 4 here in the U.S.!) is scheduled to start at 8:30, followed by Battlestar Galactica at 10.

April 25th, 8:00pm, 8:30pm: My guess: first block- repeat from the previous week, followed by a new episode (in this case, Revenge of the Slitheen, part 2.) The rest of the season will probably follow the same formula, (repeat episode, new episode). I like this idea-then the season will last almost as long as Doctor Who, instead of finishing up halfway through Doctor Who's 4th season.

Sarah Jane, Doctor Who, and BSG-I'm lovin' Friday nights in April!!! (and May!) :-D

Keep in mind, the schedule could change at any time between now and Aprill 11th-however, there's still plenty to be excited about! Will my predictions be correct? Guess we'll have to wait and see!! ;)

1 comment:

Nabu San said...

Huzzah! A forum!

I hope the final site will be more flashy.